Wills, Trusts, and Probate
We can help you prepare for the future.
Wills & Trusts
Estate planning is about peace of mind, family, and legacy. Our personalized estate plans meet the needs and priorities of our clients.
Our personalized estate planning services include:
Last Will and Testament
Trusts: Testamentary Trusts, Revocable Trusts, and Irrevocable Trusts
Power of Attorney
Health Care Directives
Deeds: Transfer on Death Deeds, Quit Claim Deeds, Contract for Deeds & More
Estate Tax Planning
Probate-Avoidance Planning
Planning for Real Estate in Multiple States
Business Succession Planning
Probate & Trust Administration
Probate does not have to be a painful or complex process. We offer guidance and clarity to families after a loved one dies.
We help families start a probate matter and administer an estate, which includes paying bills, transferring legal title to real property, vehicles, bank accounts, and other assets.
If the assets of a deceased loved one were modest, we assist with small estate affidavit processes that allow families to avoid probate altogether.
Serving as a Trustee may feel overwhelming. We work with trustees to understand responsibilities, management duties, accounting requirements, and asset transfers and distributions.
Contact Us
At Grabitske Law Firm PLC, our relationships with our clients are paramount. If you want to learn more or if you are ready to get started, please simply fill out the form. We also welcome you to contact us by phone at (507) 779-7012.